Discover the mystery quest! Conquer the challenge! Prove your problem solving skills, and together with your team, win millions in prize money!!
DECEMBER 12, 2020
1PM - 4PM (WIB)
Discover the mystery quest! Conquer the challenge! Prove your problem solving skills, and together with your team, win millions in prize money!!
This adventurous, amazing-race-look-alike game is now coming to True 3D Virtual Platform. No in-game purchase necessary. You will experience playing online video games with your teammates and fellas around the city!
Explore and conquer the Island!
and experience an exciting
adventure together
around Indonesia
Get Ready For The Adventure!
When will the race begin?
DECEMBER 12, 2020
1PM - 4PM (WIB)
How to join?
Buy a ticket, find your teammates, and start to play.
Player Category
Player Category:
Junior Category
Grades 4-7
Senior Category
Grades 8-12
Win the Prize
Win the Prize:
Junior Category
IDR 5.000.000
IDR 2.000.000
IDR 1.000.000
Senior Category
IDR 5.000.000
IDR 2.000.000
IDR 1.000.000
Calling All Explorers!
Early Bird
Ends on Nov 28, 2020
100K/ person
Each team consists of 2 persons
Ends on Dec 05, 2020
150K/ person
Each team consists of 2 persons
Assemble your team & discover the island of mysteries!
Rules and Regulation
- Peserta mendaftarkan diri di
- Peserta bertanggung jawab untuk menjaga informasi User ID dan Password Peserta secara rahasia dan pribadi. Peserta tidak akan mengungkapkan informasi tersebut di atas kepada pihak manapun dan akan mengambil semua tindakan yang diperlukan untuk menjaga informasi tersebut. Jika Peserta gagal untuk melakukannya, maka Peserta akan bertanggung jawab secara pribadi atas segala transaksi yang dilakukan melalui website
- Setiap Peserta berkewajiban untuk membayar penuh atas transaksi yang dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan transaksi dan pembayaran.
- Peserta akan mendapatkan Online Race Pack yang terdiri dari
- E-book Manual instalasi aplikasi
- E-book Manual fitur-fitur aplikasi
akan dikirim via email paling lambat 7 (Tujuh) hari kerja sebelum event dilaksanakan
- Peserta wajib menyimpan bukti transfer atau bukti pembayaran jika sewaktu-waktu diperlukan.
- Nomor identifikasi peserta (Kode Invoice) dapat dilihat & disimpan setelah proses pembayaran dilakukan
- Pendaftaran yang sudah dilakukan tidak dapat dibatalkan. Dana yang sudah masuk, tidak dapat dikembalikan kepada peserta dalam bentuk apapun.
- Dengan mengikuti TGMR, peserta menyatakan setuju untuk bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap dirinya sendiri dan orang sekitar pada saat bermain serta tidak mengandung unsur SARA (suku, agama, ras, dan antar golongan) politik, diskriminasi, pornografi, maupun menjatuhkan pihak lain.
- Jika Pendaftar tidak mencapai 50 tim di masing-masing kategori (Kategori Junior & Kategori Senior), maka Kategori tersebut akan dibatalkan dan uang akan dikembalikan penuh kepada peserta.
Frequently Asked Questions
This adventurous, amazing-race-look-alike game is now coming to True 3D Virtual Platform. You will experience playing online video games with your teammates and fellas around the city.
Please download the software and the added patch files. Then, install it on your PC/Laptop/Mac. Login with your registered email and you can start playing.
No, The Great Mystery Race is not available on mobile devices. The game is currently available for PC/Laptop/Mac only, but you can also use the Android & Iphone Intercom App for talking only in certain online locations.
Operating System Supported : Windows 7 or Newer (not Chromebook or Linux)
CPU: 1.8GHz Intel Core i5 or 2GHz AMD Phenom II
RAM Memory: 4GB
Graphics: DX10 with shader model 4.0 or better
Storage: 2.5GB Available Storage
CPU: 2.5GHz Intel Core i7 or 2.2GHz AMD A8
RAM Memory: 8GB
Graphics: Dedicated graphics device with DX11 (shader model 4.0) and at least 1GB of on-board memory
Storage: 2.5GB
Mac OS X 10.11 or newer
CPU: 2GHz Intel Core i5
RAM Memory: 4GB
Graphics: Intel HD Graphics 4000 or better
Storage: 2.5GB Available Storage
CPU: 2.5GHz Intel Core i7
RAM Memory: 8GB
Graphics: GeForce GT 750M or better
Storage: 2.5GB
Please visit our official website for every update and latest news. You will also get an event reminder on your registered WhatsApp number 7 (seven) days before the event starts.
Payment will be processed at, please click “Register” or click
You will receive an invoice code which can be redeemed on the platform on 12 December 2020. You will also receive a Race Pack starter which will be sent 7 days before the event starts.
Don’t miss the excitement! It is your chance to reveal your
true ability with your best partner.
For more information, please reach us at +62 812 3398 9978
© 2020 The Great Mystery Race. All Right Reserved.